Home News about me (new!) turn on the bg

alright so what's new?

still a new day, also a new music find!(still 1/23/25 xd)

a much shorter one but i still wanted to share

since i have now figured out how to add images to the page i will utilize the power to the fullest >:3

still the same day, soon going to bed though

a lot of repairs ware done today but by tomorow everything should be finished, so yippie!

and even with that, despite me going outside, and a whole day passing

okay well i am kinda tired, but not as much as i thought i would be

plus i AM kinda still at the computer

listening to this new song i found!

well i dont know if you can quite call it listening

parents are asleep so i have to listen to it at minimal volume

i really need headphones dont i...

in either case! i'm probably off to bed

again! love you all! see you tommorow

a doc a day keep the apple away.. or.. smtn :P (1/23/25)

yesterday me and my mom went to riga. she went there to do her job

i went there with her to get a haircut :D

haircut turnet out pretty good, i got myself some bangs!

you cannot imagine the horror and the speed..

at which i pressed back on the computer when i realized "femboy bangs" probo isnt the best search without adding "hairstyle"

sooo that waas scary xdd

probably just about the only time i was thankful that dialup is slow xdd

but after the haircut was done we went to a small mall nearby!

she got some clothes for her workouts, i got myself a candle

along wiiith!

tadaaah! a new monster flavor

very lemony! but tasty!

i did get another flavor which is ginger brew but i might post it a biiit later since there are repairs at my house

and i need to check in with the repair people from time to time to make sure they dont steal stuff

for now, remember to stay cool! B)

stay safe ⋘3

starrs! (1/22/25)

so! after... a small lil' incident involving a trip not going the way i want it to i got the big sad :c

good news though! i have updated the page with some new visuals for your pretty lil' eyes!

since the idea for this here websiter is to have a semi-2000's vibe i think the stars fit :D